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ASTM A358 TP304/304L不锈钢管细致阐明

关键词:不锈钢管,304不锈钢管,tp304 来源:管理员 发布时间:2016-04-08

ASTM A358 TP304/304L不锈钢管细致阐明

ASTM A358  TP304/304L不锈钢管的一个规范


1.3.1 Class 1—Pipe shall be double welded by processes employing filler metal in all passes and shall be completely radiographed.   1类 钢管采用一切焊道填充金属的双面焊,并完整经过射线检查。  

1.3.2 Class 2—Pipe shall be double welded by processes employing filler metal in all passes. No radiography is required.   2类  钢管采用一切焊道填充金属的双面焊,不需求射线检查。  1.3.3 Class 3—Pipe shall be single welded by processes employing filler metal in all passes and shall be completely radiographed.

3类  钢管采用一切焊道填充金属单面焊,并完整经过射线检查。  

1.3.4 Class 4—Same as Class 3 except that the weld pass exposed to the inside pipe surface may be made without the addition of filler metal (see and  4类 和三类相同,只是焊道暴露于钢管内壁,可能没有填加填充金属。  

1.3.5 Class 5—Pipe shall be double welded by processes employing filler metal in all passes and shall be spot radiographed.  5类 钢管采用一切焊道金属填充的双面焊,应停止缺陷射线检测   1.4 Supplementary requirements covering provisions ranging from additional testing to formalized procedures for manufacturing practice are provided. Supplementary Requirements S1 through S6 are included as options to be specified when desired.  提供了补充请求,包括附加测试到消费理论的正轨程序等条款。作为细致阐明的选项,补充阐明S1-S6也包括在内。  1.5 The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, the SI units are shown in brackets. The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore, each system must be used independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the specification. The inch-pound units shall apply unless the ―M‖ designation of this specification is specified in the order.   本文中所述的值或以英寸磅为单位,或采用国际单位,应作为规范辨别看待。在本文中,国际单位在括号内表示。各系统所表示的数值不完整相等,所以每一系统必需区别于另一系统单独运用。两个系统的数值混在一同运用会招致标准的不分歧。应采用英寸磅单位,除非在次第上指定M为首选。